Nevada Rural Hsg Auth Housing Authority

Nevada Rural Hsg Auth Housing Authority


3695 Desatoya Drive
Carson City, NV - 89701

Services Provided at Nevada Rural Hsg Auth Housing Authority: Administers federal rental assistance programs and affordable apartments for low income families, elderly residents and persons with disabilities. HUD assists the housing authority by providing Housing Choice Vouchers, aka Section 8 vouchers, for residents to find their own places and us the vouchers for rent assistance. The rent assistance entails full payment or partial payment of rent. Call the housing authority for details.

Comments (1)

  1. Thursday, October 28, 2021

    I need help rental assistance because I just got evicted by my landlord because I lost my job during covid-19 and I was approved for unemployment and about 3 months ago my payments was put on hold and adjudication is not releasing my unemployment for some reason.

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